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For the 6th year running we have been honoured by being recognised in the Doyles’ Guide by our peers as being a Leading Family Law Firm and Leading/Recommended Family/Parenting Lawyers.

For the 5th year running we have been honoured by being recognised in the Doyles’ Guide by our peers as being a Leading Family Law Firm and Leading/Recommended Family/Parenting Lawyers. This year again, our Bridget Madigan has been listed as a Rising Start and we are very proud of her!

Parenting Plan If you and your former partner are able to communicate with each other reasonably well and you have the ability to trust each other with the children, then a Parenting Plan may be the right option for you.   A Parenting Plan must be in writing, be signed and dated by the separated…

We are often asked questions about parental responsibility and the interplay with decision making for parents who are separated. For example, we are often asked questions about whether one parent has more decision making “power” over the other or the extent of consultation that is required between parents about decisions concerning their children. Parental responsibility…

Clients often ask us how family law works with property acquired after separation, including things such as inheritances. The short answer is that you and your former partner can agree to exclude property from your settlement. However, if there is no agreement, the starting point is that all property is included. How is that fair?…

Two people meet, fall in love and decide to spend their lives together. One of the parties has extensive property or other wealth. The other party does not.  The wealthy party asks the non-wealthy party to sign a “pre-nup”. In Australian family law, couples can agree to enter into a document called a Financial Agreement…

Unit 1, Ground Floor, 5 Farrell Place,

Canberra City ACT 2601

[email protected]

02 6152 0493